
Presentations: Arranging Stores, Copy Quantities, Ability to Switch Between Variants/Styles on the Basket Overview Page, Share Favorites as Excel, Other Improvements, and Bug Fixes

by Ozlem Karaeminoğulları, UX/UI Designer
Here are the bug fixes and improvements from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective! Arranging Stores: You can edit the basket by pressing the 'Edit' button to arrange store orders and create groups for
New features

Presentations: Bug fixes and Improvements

by Ozlem Karaeminoğulları, UX/UI Designer
Here are the bug fixes and improvements from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective! Improvement: When you click the 'show favorited colors' button in the basket, it now dims only the box names that don't

Media Library: Addition of the File Name and Bug Fixes

by Ozlem Karaeminoğulları, UX/UI Designer
Here are the latest features and improvements from the Media Library app to make your workflow more effective! Addition of the file name: Now the file name is also shown in the media modal above the media type. If the name of the file is
Media Library-app

Presentations: Favoriting Color Variants, Changes in Basket Overview, Archiving Presentations, and Other Improvements

by Ozlem Karaeminoğulları, UX/UI Designer
Here are the latest features and improvements from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective! Now you can favorite a color variant! In addition to the current ability to add the ‘sales main’ to your favorites,
New features

Media Library: New Header Implementation & Small Layout Changes

by Ozlem Karaeminoğulları, UX/UI Designer
Here are the latest features and improvements from the Media Library app to make your workflow more effective! Small Layout Changes: Now you can reach the hamburger menu from the top left. The brand logo takes place next to the menu
Media Library-app
New features

Presentations: Template Presentation, Browsing All Presentations, Inviting Members, and Other Improvements

by Özlem Karaeminoğulları
Here are the latest features and improvements from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective! Here are short introduction videos for how to use templates and inviting features.
New features

Media: Performance improvements to 3D file upload

by Deniz Chaban, CEO
Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes for the Media Library app. Significant improvements have been made to uploading 3D media files (glb) in terms of speed and performance of processing and preparing the content for
Media Library-app

Showroom: Scan bar codes & forward baskets

by Deniz Chaban, CEO
Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes in the Presentation (Showroom) app. Use your mobile phone to scan bar codes Anyone in the meeting can now connect to the customer Presentation with their mobile phone to scan EAN bar
New features

Sendouts CMS: Integration Reporting

by Deniz Chaban, CEO
Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes in Sendouts CMS Integration reporting A new tab called ‘Reports’ has been introduced in the Sendouts CMS app. In this tab the recent imports will be shown which will include information
Content Manager app
New features