
Presentations: Favoriting Color Variants, Changes in Basket Overview, Archiving Presentations, and Other Improvements

by Ozlem Karaeminoğulları, UX/UI Designer
Here are the latest features and improvements from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective! Now you can favorite a color variant! In addition to the current ability to add the ‘sales main’ to your favorites,
New features

Presentations: Template Presentation, Browsing All Presentations, Inviting Members, and Other Improvements

by Özlem Karaeminoğulları
Here are the latest features and improvements from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective! Here are short introduction videos for how to use templates and inviting features.
New features

Showroom: Scan bar codes & forward baskets

by Deniz Chaban, CEO
Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes in the Presentation (Showroom) app. Use your mobile phone to scan bar codes Anyone in the meeting can now connect to the customer Presentation with their mobile phone to scan EAN bar
New features

Showroom: Updated PDP

by Deniz Chaban, CEO
Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes to the Showroom app. Improvements and 3D in the Product Detail Page The color options are shown as thumbnails instead of a drop down Selecting a color will, just like before, show the
New features

Showroom: Searching for missing styles

by Deniz Chaban, CEO
Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes to the Showroom app. Style IDs that don’t give a search result. The Style IDs that were not found when performing a text search in the Catalog View is shown. The user have the option to

Showroom: Styles without media, bar code scanning and discounts

by Konrad Viltersten
Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes to the Showroom app. Styles without media are available Previously it was required that a style has at least 1 media to be shown in the Showroom app. We have now removed that
New features

Showroom: Order notes and notificactions of missing styles

by Konrad Viltersten
Leaving a note on an order line. Being notified of missing styles in a board. Entering and exiting full screen mode easily. Showing style ID and number of related media in a Board. Placing order directly from Basket Overview
New features

Add/Import Boards

by Henrik Skagerlind Fasth, Commercial Product Manager
We have made a new release with some cool new features. Add/Import Boards It is now possible to add/import a new board from other presentations with just a few clicks. To make it easier, faster and more fun to collaborate and create, we
New features
Media Library-app