InStore Admin: New attribute configuration, Product browsing update
Here are the latest updates to InStore Admin & Settings app
Attributes for search
The old preference attributes in Settings are removed in favor of the new attribute search and primary attributes in the entry page called “Attributes”
Add any of your attributes and sort them in the order you want them to be shown in the app.
You can select as many as you want to be Primary attribute which will act as a global filter
It is also possible to select a default value which means that it will be automatically chosen.
By hiding (clicking the eye icon) the attribute the users wont be able to select it. This could be used for example if you want to filter out products based on an attribute value when searching and don’t want the user to be able to change it.
Updated the ‘Products’ tab to show the complete set of product data in the databases
In the list of devices of a store it is now possible to see which version of the app it is running
Added external Store ID and Device ID to the events (analytics), which is now part of the aggregations provided through our analytics API
Archiving a Store didn’t work