Order single sizes/free assortments 🤩
We have made a new release with the functionality of ordering sizes in free assortments. This also introduces a new Numpad for entering the quantity and a size matrix for entering the size quantity.
New features 🚀
Numpad 🔢
We have added a Numpad to make it easier to enter larger quantities. The Numpad only becomes active when a cell where you can insert quantity has been chosen.
You can not enter quantities with your laptop or virtual keyboard
Size matrix 📏
When entering sizes, a size matrix will be opened for you to input the quantity. In the size matrix, you will also see details such as color name, delivery period, customer name, and customer code.
Sizes 👗
PDP - On the PDP you will now see single-size options under boxes information when you favorite a style. On selection to add quantity, the size matrix, and the Numpad become active and you will to able to add quantity accordingly to a minimum or dividable rule.
Adding single-size quantity - In the basket view, you will now see styles with a single-size option stated below the boxes view. In the single size view, when pressing to add quantity, the size matrix and Numpad opens and you will be able to add quantity accordingly to a minimum or dividable rule.
Boxes 📦
When adding quantities for boxes, you can either use the Numpad that will open, or tap the +- buttons in the cell.
Quantity rules ⚠️
For sizes, there can be rules that need to be followed in order to enter a quantity. These rules are either minimum or dividable. Minimum will be displayed with > before a number and dividable with a X before a number.
If these rules are not followed, we will show an error message with the rule to follow, and you can not navigate out from the view before the error has been corrected. You can always revert to 0 when needed.
To commit a value, just press outside a cell or press ENTER.
General Fixes 🔧
The total amount in basket view is no longer rounded up and shows the full price.
Indicating there are more colors than 5 showing in PDP. Access them all by pressing the i button.
Added scrolling animation to the basket view when navigating between the delivery periods.
We are not aware of any breaking changes. Enjoy! 🎉
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