Presentations: Ability to hide assortments, display of more media in the basket/assortments, and implementation of a few additional improvements.
Here are the latest improvements to make your experience smoother.
Ability to hide assortments
You now have more control over which assortments are shown to your customers. We’ve introduced two ways to adjust assortments: Bulk Adjustment and Manual Adjustment.
Bulk Adjustment
In the Edit Presentation modal (which is now also accessible from burger menu inside the presentation), you’ll find a new dropdown allowing you to hide specific assortment groups based on item quantity.
Selecting an option will hide all assortments that match the chosen quantity.
The list updates dynamically—if a new box with a different quantity is added, it will appear in the dropdown.
Manual changes will not be affected by bulk adjustments.
Manual Adjustment
You can now make individual assortment adjustments in the basket and assortment mode of the PDP.
A new “Adjust Assortments” button enables manual control.
Once activated, an eye icon will appear next to each assortment:
Closed eye = Hidden assortment
Open eye = Visible assortment
Entering a quantity for an assortment overrides bulk and manual hiding—assortments quantities will always be shown.
Additional Notes
Changes will be reflected in the public link, but customers cannot adjust assortments.
Adjustments will carry over to copied presentations.
If a variant has adjusted assortments, the "Adjust Assortments" button will be subtly filled as an indicator.
Display of more media in the basket/assortments
With this update, clicking on a small color variant thumbnail in the assortment listing (basket & PDP assortments mode) and also in the size matrix will now display all media for that specific color variant—rather than just a single pack shot.
The media will always be shown next to the color thumbnails, allowing you to quickly switch between variants.
Below the main media, you’ll now see thumbnails of all media attached to that color variant, including:
3D models
Clicking outside will close the modal and reset the thumbnail state.
Other improvements
Boards: Info Mode Auto-On
The info mode in boards is now automatically turned on, allowing you to access more data instantly without additional clicks.
Assortment Listing Enhancements (PDP & Basket)
Automatic Quantity Addition:
Selecting a cell without a quantity will now automatically set it to 1 for quicker input.
This applies to both the PDP and the basket.
Free-Assortments Behavior:
A quantity of 1 will only be added if you manually select a cell.
Auto-selection (using arrows or tabs) will not trigger this change.