Here are the new features and bug fixes from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective!

Basket and Inspect Order in Public Link

  • Now, your customers can view the basket and the basket inspect pages with live data via the public link.

    • To view the content, they should log in first and be connected to one of the stores in the presentation.

  • In the ‘Basket’ tab,

    • They can view all added quantities for all styles and notes, but they cannot change any information.

    • Customers can see the previous baskets using the dropdown if there are any - same as the basket in the DSR.

    • Now, users can download the basket as Excel by clicking the ‘download as Excel’ button in the header.

      • If you have more than one store, you will get a zip file, including Excel files for each store with quantities.

  • In the ‘Inspect Order’ tab,

    • Your customers can see the same view of the basket inspect page in DSR.

      • Users can filter the content to stores or baskets.

    • Now, users can download the ‘Inspect Order’ page as a PDF to use it for different purposes by clicking the ‘download as PDF’ button in the header.

Bug Fixes

  • Selection of the previous basket was not possible for some presentations.

  • Timeout for media requests on the landing page has been added.