Presentations: Favoriting Color Variants, Changes in Basket Overview, Archiving Presentations, and Other Improvements
Here are the latest features and improvements from the Presentation (Showroom) app to make your workflow more effective!
Now you can favorite a color variant!
In addition to the current ability to add the ‘sales main’ to your favorites, we now introduce one more step ahead. You can now select a color variant and add it to your favorites by clicking the favorites button.
The sales main will automatically be added if you add a color variant to the favorites. A small heart-shaped indicator will occur on the favorited color variant’s thumbnail in PDP.
You can add multiple color variants to your favorites.

If you want to favorite a variant from the boards, the selected color variant will be added to the favorites.
In the favorites view, you can now see only the color variant you’ve added to the favorites by clicking the ‘show favorited colors’ button above the grouping button.
And pressing the ‘i’ button gives you the name of the color variant.

The same button also exists on the basket page. When you activate this button, it will highlight the boxes that include the variant you’ve added to your favorites.

In catalog view, if you group by color and start favoriting styles, it favorites color variants. The color variants added to the favorites will get the heart indicator.
Changes in the Basket Overview (Inspect) Page
When you open the basket overview page, the ‘i’ mode will be activated automatically. You can always disable it by pressing the ‘i’ button on the bottom right.
The overview shows the color variants instead of the sales main according to the added quantity.
Under each color variant, you will see how many items for this color variant have been added to the basket out of the total sum of the style.
In the grouping options, you have ‘group by store’ now.

Changes in the Media Library While Editing a Board
Now you can collapse/expand the media sections in the marketing library while editing a board.
The status of the sections will be remembered if you close the edit mode and re-open it.
The filter options for the media library now change into a filter button.
When you press the button, it will open the dropdown.
It should be noted that applying a filter will bring out and expand all the related sections.
An expand all / collapse all button is next to the filter button.
The name of the marketing package is limited so that the filter buttons and the expand all/collapse all buttons can be stable.
The full name of the package can be seen via a tooltip.
Archiving Presentations
Now you can archive a presentation by clicking the three dots menu in the presentation list -archive presentation.
There is an active/archived switch next to the filters.
Only the presentation's creator can archive it; the archived presentation will be carried to the archived tab.
If a presentation is archived, it will be moved to the archived tab for all collaborators.
All the actions (for the active presentations) can be made for the archived presentations.

Other Improvements
In the favorites view, a style with quantity is indicated with a black label and basket icon. Pressing ‘i’ will bring the ‘in the basket label next to the basket icon.
If you open the ‘show color variants,’ only the color variants with quantities get this indicator.

There is a new filter option for the presentation list for the order status. The presentations without orders are now shown automatically, but you can also choose to display presentations from the dropdown presentations with orders and all presentations.
The tag column in the list of presentations is updated, so you can now see two rows of tags.
Now the collaborator’s column has a tooltip for the full collaborators on the +(number) label.
Now only the counter of selected tags is displayed in the "Tags" filter.
Basket order line change operations are quicker due to internal optimizations.
Presentations listing, summaries, and update operations are optimized to work faster for the users with many presentations/boards.
Bug Fixes
It was hard to see the full name of the presentations on the 150% zoom settings in the presentation list.
A tooltip is added to the presentation names if it exceeds the given space, and the font size gets smaller so that you can see more of the name.
The brand’s logo was displayed on white even if the board's background was colorful.
Not all available color variants for the selected delivery period were displayed on PDP in some cases.
Quantity didn’t update according to the last entered data in the specific cases.
The user was not able to scroll the "Create"/"Edit"/"Copy" pop-ups in case he has a 150% display scale.
The "Command aggregate failed" error was displayed if a user searched with unclosed parentheses.