Presentations: Merch Floor Improvements & Other Improvements
Here are the latest improvements and bug fixes to make your experience smoother.
Merch Floor Improvements
The merch floor is now responsive to different screen sizes, including desktops, laptops, and tablets.
The aspect ratio and items' placement will remain consistent while the canvas scales up and down.
You can now add any styles to the canvas using the dropdown in the add styles modal:
Simply select ‘all styles’ from the show styles dropdown.
You can now add color variants to your favorites directly from the canvas:
Activate the new toggle with the heart icon on the merch floor.
Already favorited styles will display a badge in the center.
Click on the color variants to add or remove them from your favorites.
Note: Any selections made before activating the toggle will be reset.
A new basket icon button will appear in the button set once you select a variant:
Clicking it will take you to the Assortment Mode of the PDP for the selected color variant.
If you select multiple styles, use the arrows in the navigation bar to navigate between the PDPs of your selections.
If you select multiple variants of the same style, the first selected variant will be pre-selected on the PDP.
Other Improvements
Some UI fixes and improvements have been made for the merch floor.
In the order receipt PDF, the text color for sizes is now slightly darker to improve accessibility.
The DSR now automatically removes the background of color variant thumbnails displayed on the PDP, ensuring a smoother and more aesthetic appearance.