Presentations: Product Detail Page and Board Improvements
Here are the latest improvements and bug fixes to make your experience smoother.
Product Detail Page Improvements
In the control panel, if a color variant has multiple media, thumbnails will be displayed.
3D models will be marked with a '3D' tag, and videos will show as previews.
Clicking on a thumbnail will automatically swipe to the corresponding media.
If there are many media items that don’t fit within the given space, arrows will appear for scrolling.
Clicking an arrow will bring up one media item at a time while pressing and holding the arrows will jump to the beginning or end.
You can now make media full-screen by clicking on it and pressing the 'full-screen' icon.
Thumbnails will also be displayed in full-screen mode, allowing you to navigate between media. You can use the arrows or your keyboard's arrow keys to navigate.
Clicking the close button will exit full-screen mode and return you to the product display page (PDP).
Media in full-screen mode will loop continuously.
You can pinch to zoom in and out.
3D models are also supported in full-screen mode
In assortments mode, instead of using checkboxes to apply filters, a dropdown will allow you to choose between showing all assortments, assortments for favorited colors, or only for the selected colors.
The filters (business tag and delivery) will also apply to this area, as they affect the color variant.
The filters will be reset if the PDP is switched.
The state of the dropdown will be remembered until the end of the session.
Auto-swiping is no longer available.
The state of the media/assortment switch will be remembered until you close the product display page (PDP).
It will persist even if you switch between PDPs or open another product from a PDP.
The variant name will be displayed next to the color name.
Board Improvements
If one of the color variants is removed from the catalog, the system will display a different color variant in its place on the boards.
If the missing variant returns, the original one will be shown on the board.
If none of the color variants are available, an empty grey box will be displayed.
In ‘info’ mode, the variant name will be displayed next to the color name.
When expanding the color options, duplicates of the same color will no longer appear.
In addition, fixes had been made for several edge cases related to displaying color variants when grouped by delivery period.