Presentations: Responsive Product Detail Page, Most Sold Drawer Improvements & Other Improvements
Here are the latest improvements to make your experience smoother.
Responsive Product Detail Page (PDP)
PDP is now fully optimized for vertical Full HD screens and tablets (both portrait and landscape modes).
Minor UI tweaks have been made to ensure better usability on different screen sizes.
Includes placement adjustments for certain icons and controls.
In Assortments Mode, the control panel (color variants section) can now be expanded or collapsed just like the media mode.
Provides more space for interacting with basket content.
The numpad in the main app will no longer be shown on tablets.
Instead, you can utilize the built-in digital keyboard for changing quantities.

Most Sold Drawer Improvements
The dropdown will now default to ‘Existed Groups’ for a more intuitive user experience.
A new checkbox has been added in the preferences section, labeled ‘Filter by favorites’. (This will be renamed to ‘Filter by basket’ in basket inspect.) The checkbox is selected by default.
When enabled, the drawer will display only styles that match the selected product lines, catalogs, gender, and delivery periods from the favorites. For example, if products are available for May, August, and females in the Name It Baby line, only recommendations for May, August, and females in Name It Baby will be shown.
If the you disables the ‘Filter by favorites’ checkbox, all available recommendations will be shown, just like the previous behavior.
Other Improvements
The complete price information is now displayed when ‘i’ mode is enabled in a canvas-previously, it wouldn't fit within the default size.
If the style name or any other data doesn’t fit within the container, a tooltip will appear, displaying the full details.
These improvements are now also available on the public link.
Now, the scroll position of the boards will be saved during the session.
Even if you navigate away to another board, catalog, or another tab, returning to the previous board will restore the exact scroll position where you left off to smoother navigation experience without losing track of where you were.
Also available on the public link.
Previously, arrows in boards and the basket’s store listing only indicated that more elements were available. Now, these arrows are fully interactive. Clicking once will bring up the next item, while pressing and holding for a second will take you to the start or end of the list.
The store and board listings are also draggable, allowing for a smoother and more intuitive browsing experience.
The Style ID/Color Variant ID (depending on the mode) is now displayed in the Favorites tab on the Public Link when the Information Mode is enabled -same as the DSR main app.
Previously, to add a grid or media row, you had to scroll to the end of the section. Now, you can add a new grid or media row between existing board items.
From now on, when you add media from the side panel to a canvas, we will preserve the aspect ratio of the media and add it accordingly, just like adding media from the marketing package.