Here are the latest updates to the InStore & InStore Admin apps.


Quick Add to Basket

We’ve introduced the Quick Add to Basket feature, enabling users to swiftly add items to their basket directly from any recommendation widget, without needing to open the PDP.

  • By pressing the Quick Add to Basket button, users can easily select from available color variants, sizes, and lengths (if applicable) using horizontal scroll within the product media.

  • Color, size, and length options are interconnected, and unavailable options will be visually indicated based on the user’s selections.

  • To dismiss the Quick Add feature, users can simply press outside the product media.

  • Additionally, color names have been added to each item across all recommendation widgets for clearer selection.

Shop The Look (STL) recommendations

When the customer adds a style to their basket, there may be a “Shop The Look” recommendation widget appearing together with “You May Also Like” and “Complete The Look”.

Shop the Look only works if the style added to the basket has a) model images and b) there are styles that match what the model is wearing, which are also in stock. In this first version of STL, footwear and accessories are not part of the recommendations. It may also be the case that in this first version, the AI is not able to find the best or any matches.

Error message when checking out

When a user proceeds to checkout, their basket's payload will be sent to the designated endpoint for validation. If the payload does not meet the required criteria, the endpoint can now return a 400 status code along with a custom error message. This error message will be displayed to the user, enabling them to resolve the issue and complete their purchase.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Loyalty Signup Agreement If no agreement text is provided in Settings, an empty checkbox will no longer appear in Loyalty Signup modal in InStore app.

  • Loyalty Signup Endpoint in Settings Now the specific endpoint field will be highlighted when any data is invalid, ensuring users can correct it before saving.

  • Error When Selecting Collections in Staff Dashboard An issue causing the page to crash when selecting certain collections in the Staff dashboard has been fixed.