Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes to the Sendouts app.

Sizes and Boxes

Boxes (also known as pre-packs or assortments) and Sizes are shown in the Product Detail Page if the information has been provided to Touchtech when importing Styles. The Boxes and Sizes can be unique per Segment.

Style media as marketing content

It is possible to add any media of a Style to the Sendout. Select one or multiple Styles what have been added to the Sendout and choose “Media” in the task bar. On the right side, the Media Library will be opened with media of all the colors of the selected Styles including any marketing media uploaded in the Media Library app.

Primary Currency

When creating a Sendout or chaning the settings of an existing, it is possible to select the Primary Currency. This currency will be shown first in any listing of currencies if more than one currency has been chosen for a given Sendout.

Improvements - Buyer view

  • Scroll bar has been added. It is possible to press and drag the scroll bar in case the mouse lacks a wheel.

  • Margin has been added below the “Attributes” in the Product Detail Page

  • Long list of currencies was not shown correctly in the PDF

Improvements - Listing / Editor view

  • The hamburger menu to access the navigation to the other apps has been moved to top left, beside the brand logo

  • The “Style Library” and “Media Library” header when editing a Sendout is now sticky

  • Some minor layout changes to the top bar with “My Sendouts” and “All Sendouts” as well as the filters options.

  • Removing all the styles/media in a group it used to behave incorrectly

  • There was an issue with changing Segment of a Sendout