Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes in Sendouts.

New features

  • Sendouts can be Archived by the owner. Archived Sendouts can be accessed in the toggle button ‘Active / Archived’ at the top right in ‘My Sendouts’ tab. By archiving, the Sendout will be Unpublished and the Segment and style updates will be paused. No further changes in the editor view are allowed. It is possible to unarchive Sendouts or duplicate it as a new in order to recover the contents.

  • List of Sendouts can be filtered on ‘Status’ (options: Draft or Published) and ‘Purchase’ period’ (options: Purchase Not Started, Purchase Ongoing and Purchase Ended). Applicable both in ‘My Sendouts’ and ‘All Sendouts’ tab

  • If the ‘Purchase Valid Period’ has an end date set which has passed then the Sendout will ‘Expire’. Expired Sendouts are “frozen” in time with the exact state of the content which include the styles, color variants, prices etc. Users can revisit old (Expired) Sendouts and Sessions by using the shared links, even if there has been changes to the Segment the Sendouts were created on the Expired Sendout will look the same. The creator or contributor of a Sendout will be notified in the list of ‘My Sendouts’ when there is less then 3 days left to expiration. An expired Sendout cannot be edited or altered ever again after, although it is possible to duplicate it as a new Sendout.

  • Hovering a brief moment with the mouse on a style thumbnail image in the Style Library in editor view will show a tooltip with more information - such as Style name, style id, prices and deliveries.


  • There is a new logic to which image to show representing a style in order to avoid showing images that is not available to purchase. The rules are:

    1. When the Sendout creator (in editor view) has set a preferred variant → Display the pre-selected variant media, otherwise;

    2. When an editor has NOT set a preferred variant → Check if any variants have media available for the customer (check pack shots first then model shots.) → If any of the variants has media, display it, otherwise;

    3. When none of the variants has the variant level media→ Check if the base style has the style level media → If it has media, display it, otherwise;

    4. When the base style has no media → Check if the style has connected marketing media → If it has marketing media, display it, otherwise;

    5. When no marketing media is available → Display ‘Image coming soon' with hex code color if available

  • The ‘quick section navigation menu’ in the buyer view is now sticky once the user scrolls passed the table of contents.

  • Only the color variants available in the Segment can be chosen when ‘Switch’ing colors of a style in the editor.

  • The small squares that represent color variants on style “boxes” in the buyer view have a new design and support edge cases where any of the color variants may not have a color HEX code.

  • Image will be shown in the downloaded PDF for favorited colors

  • Media will be shown (instead of empty square) for styles that were favorited or notes added in a Sendout Session, even if that style was removed from the Segment or Sendout.

  • Sessions are no longer created in preview mode, thus also events are not tracked.

  • The column for business tags are no longer shown in the downloaded PDF if the color variants have no business tags

Fixed bugs

  • In some cases users were able to favorite styles even though they should not been able to - which could be due to various reasons.

  • The buyer view crashed in some cases when changing the Segment of a Sendout

  • Media Library section showed an error for some videos

  • It was not possible to open the Product Page of unavailable highlighted style in buyer view

  • It was possible to open the invite pop-up panel if you are the owner or contributor of a Sendout

  • The ‘Notes counter’ displayed incorrect number of notes in some cases

  • Styles that were removed from a published Sendouts were not marked as “Unavailable” in the Notes panel in the buyer view.

  • The highlighted style with only one color variant was shown in too big size in buyer view

  • The style image is not displayed in the "Notes" drawer in the buyer view

  • Highlighted styles with too many color variants were displayed incorrectly in some circumstances in the buyer view

  • The business tags were not shown for the favorited colors in the downloaded PDF