Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes in Sendouts CMS

  • Search for Style ID and Color Variant ID in ‘Styles’ tab

  • Search for Style ID in a Segment in the ‘Segments’ tab

  • Showing the Catalog and Sub catalog names on color variant level in a Segment in the ‘Segments’ tab

  • Possibility to select Styles and Color Variants in bulk to delete both in ‘Styles’ and ‘Segments’ tab.

  • Change or delete media from styles or color variants from the ‘Styles’ tab.

  • Updated the layout/design of column mapping step with improved validation when manually uploading Excel files with style data in the ‘Styles’ tab.

  • Fix an issue where the Description property was not correctly mapped when manually uploading Excel files with style data in the ‘Styles’ tab.

  • Smarter and automated way of identifying the decimal separator (‘.’ or ‘,’) of prices when manually uploading style data with Excel files. If the app would not be possible the user will be asked to provide the expected decimal separator.

  • If 2-character ISO codes are provided in the manually uploaded Excel file with style data, they will automatically be converted to the required 3-characted ISO codes.

  • Autocompletes Country codes in 3-character ISO format when editing a Segment in the ‘Segments’ tab