Here are the latest updates, improvements and fixes in Sendouts CMS

Integration reporting

A new tab called ‘Reports’ has been introduced in the Sendouts CMS app. In this tab the recent imports will be shown which will include information if the import of data was successful or what failed.

This only works for custom built integrations and not the Excel/CSV file uploads.

Excel upload

  • Improvement: uploading empty (no value) style attributes are allowed

  • Fix: in some cases the uploaded media was incorrectly matched to a Style ID

  • Fix: the ‘Import’ button used to be enabled without any Excel/CSV file had been chosen to upload

Other updates

  • Fix: if the list of Segments in the Segments tab was too long the last item used to be covered by another UI element

  • The button ‘Delete selected styles’ in the Styles tab used to be shown even when all styles were deleted from the list