We keep improving and hope you like our new update which includes new features as well as some fixes.

Whats new? 👀

1. We have made it easier to share presentations to multiple users at the same time. New buttons with counter badge making it easy to get a clear overview of how many you can share or unshare with.

3. It is now mandatory to add role and country to be able to invite a new user.

4. New invitation email design/layout. The email link can now be accessed multiple times and are clickable.

5. Changed url base name from digitalvenue to touchtech. New url is eg. bestseller.app.touchtech.com

Known issues 🙅‍♀️

1. Slow response times when filtering and searching products. Wait until the filters have been applied before selecting new filter/grouping/sorting options or searching.

2. When loading presentations show 0%, please wait at least 2 minutes before pressing F5 to refresh the page. Even if the percentage is not ticking, the presentation may be loading.

3. In Marketing Engine, adding or modifying related styles of a media will move it last in the list of media within the group.

4. Numerical and alphabetical order on marketing packages and media groups.

We are not aware on any breaking changes.

We hope you enjoy the news! 🚀